Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Friday (8/31) Lesson Plan

Friday (8/31) Lesson Plan


Take role


Split the students up into 5 groups:

Group 1- Summary

Group 2- Synthesis

Group 3- Question 1

Group 4- Question 3

Group 5- Question 4

Have each student read their portion of the assigned topic aloud to the rest of the group. Did everyone agree? Discuss. - 15 min


Come up with group approved portion of the reading response (can be an amalgamation of more than one person’s writing) and read it to the class – 15min


Class comes together, discusses Kleine- 25min


Ways in:


Have you ever found yourself in the “night library”? What is your research/writing process like? Do you “hunt” for specific information or do you allow yourself to “gather” various types of information that might be of use or even challenge your views?


Do you identify your writing as more epistemic or rhetorical? Can anyone define for me what each means? Do you write to represent the facts or do you write with consideration for how your audience might interpret those facts?


Do you write purely to transmit information or do you also learn from writing, as Kleine suggests many academics so?


What do you think of Kleine’s proposal at the end of the article? “What we do when we write academically can be enriched by learning what others do, by expanding our discourse. I believe, now, that the next step for me, and for my colleagues, is to invite our students to join in what we really do when we write articles like this one” (32). Would you accept such an invitation? Why or why not?


Remind the class that there is no school on Monday, Labor Day, and that the assignments for Wednesday 9/5 are the Kantz (67-85) Reading Response QD #1,2; AE #2, MM, and their topic proposal for their project (pick a construct).



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